Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Monthly ODS meeting - Rick's at Six !

Kinetic Skulpture Race - last Year.....Lets Do it again !!!

Yes, its that time again October 2nd to meet at Ricks Lounge for a "rectangle" table discussion on ODS happenings. This meeting is open to all and will plan on covering some thoughts, comments,future agenda and the action we have had since our last gathering.
-Would love to hear your thoughts on the DNR meeting that was held last month about the future of our recreational use on their land and how it can affect our trails.

-Update From Shawn S about our adopt a chunk of the Olympic Discovery Trail.

-Fluid Ride race wrap up

-Scott and his Kinetic Skulpture Race "race"

-oh - and have we forgotten about the B'Ham trip? I haven't lets deliver the final date and time and DO IT !
Hope to see you all there - SN

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