Friday, February 22, 2008

PA Spring Shuttler

This is the unofficial announcment (a flyer will follow).
Just the facts:
What?: Shuttle Day on Dry Hill
When?: March 8th & 9th
-March 8th- The first part of the day will be dedicated to a few little trail projects and fine-tuning the new dual slalom course followed by a few crowd free runs for the trail workers, and then probably a few ales.
-March 9th- Trucks will start hauling people up the hill at 9am and will go until about 5ish.
How Much?- $20 for ODS members, $25 for non-members. Price includes all day shuttles and a little grub.

The more RSVP's we get the more likely we will have enough trucks and food, so please e-mail us at

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