Friday, February 22, 2008

PA Spring Shuttler

This is the unofficial announcment (a flyer will follow).
Just the facts:
What?: Shuttle Day on Dry Hill
When?: March 8th & 9th
-March 8th- The first part of the day will be dedicated to a few little trail projects and fine-tuning the new dual slalom course followed by a few crowd free runs for the trail workers, and then probably a few ales.
-March 9th- Trucks will start hauling people up the hill at 9am and will go until about 5ish.
How Much?- $20 for ODS members, $25 for non-members. Price includes all day shuttles and a little grub.

The more RSVP's we get the more likely we will have enough trucks and food, so please e-mail us at

Lodging for coming events.

The Red Lion Hotel has stepped up once again to help out those who want to spend the whole weekend shredding (and a little building). They are offering a discounted rate of $106 water view, and $96 non view. Just mention Olympic Dirt Society upon registering.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Speedy Beaver Clinic March 15th

I spoke to Joy today from the Speedy Beaver all girl racing club and she is planning on having a clinic here in Port Angeles on March 15th. The only fee is to have a membership with Olympic Dirt Society so that you are covered by insurance to ride the trails here. Sign up is limited so if you are interested in showing up you can get more details by checking out their site at

Thursday, February 14, 2008


I was just informed there was a small error with the "pictures" no explanation needed if you know what I am talking about already, very sorry, and am fixing this - yes my face is very red !

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Trail work on Sunday 2/17

If you are interested in spending your sunday out in the woods enjoying the fresh air, divine landscape, decent company (sorry Scott) and expelling energy then join us at Dry hill and do a little digging around to help get the trails in prime shape for the upcoming events. You could do some riding as well, I will just be guilt tripping you into some work so come prepared ! Cherrio

Monday, February 11, 2008

Battle of the sexes

Sunday was quite eventful for OD. I took off on the Olympic Discovery Trail Adventure route starting at the Elwah bridge with Asta and Sarah in tow. We headed up into the hills for quite a journey, halfway up we ran into Shawn and his crew - Shawn, Sean, Tyler and the infamous Mitch as they were heading down the hill, they had started out on Piedmont road so was sure we would run into them at some point. Good to see so many of us out there on the trails enjoying what god and a few dirty yet resourcefull hands gave us. Up on Dry Hill Scott, Casey, Lars and I am sure a few others were doing some trail work in order to prepare for the upcoming events. Feel free to join us on a weekend ride were usually up to something !

Friday, February 8, 2008

Thursdays meeting wrapped up

okay so we pretty much stayed on task last night following the agenda Casey laid out for the meeting. I will try to sum it up.
Summer took over this blog site and I plan on keeping it updated quite frequently as I gather new info, pics, race and or ride dates. I also plan on adding a link to fluid rides site as to keep you informed on our race series this year.
-We recently had a bulldozer up on our hill to clear a common area at the end of the finish line as well as roughed in a slalom coarse. We will soon have an excavator up there to do the detail work.
-a security issue has come up, we have been seeing alot of quads in our area, there is no exception to their existence on green crow land so if you see them, let them know to leave, if they don't we will have a number of greencrows security which has the potential to issue tickets so more on this later.
-SHUTTLE DAY! okay so we decieded to host a shuttle day MARCH 8th and 9th, this is coming up soon complete with the big U-haul trucks again so spread the word ! I will post the details soon
-FLUID RIDE CUP, first race is held April 4th ,5th and 6th so mark that down on your calendar. for more info go to Fluid rides website
-Speedy Beavers are coming up this weekend so for those of you who want to come check out some hot chicks that rip, that would be this weekend.
-NEXT MEETING will be at Ricks Place on March 6th hope to see you there
-NEXT RIDE will be February 17th 8:30 at the Park and Ride right before the junction Tavern. We will be riding the Olympic Discovery Trail starting at the Elwah bridge
Well that mostly summs it up, you can always call if you have any questions ! CHEERS !

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

ODS meeting Febuary 7th at Ricks Place Restuarant

Olympic Dirt Society hosts once a month meetings on the first Thursday of each month. This next meeting with be at Ricks Place 6pm in Port Angeles. We discuss upcoming events, whats new, and open discussion. You do not need to be a member to join us if you would like to just figure out what we are all about. Feel free to call if you have any questions about where it is at. Summer - 360-461-4674