Monday, December 15, 2008

Tusday night ride cancelled due to snow

We will try again next week - sorry !


ronthomson said...

That's too bad!

I'm going to put on the studded ice tires and give it a go.

ronthomson said...

Well, I went to the effort of putting the studded tires on even though it is a hassle as they rip at your hands while trying to get the stiff wire bead over the rims.
Totally worth it once out on the icy roads - even riding in the messy shoulder can be a great workout. Plan to go out on the trail either during the day today or this evening. Part of the thrill is the awesome crunchy noise biking in these conditions makes.

ronthomson said...

Trail Report:
2 - 3 inches of snow with an icy crust. Cold but dry. Conditions for riding were pretty good. The icy crust gave good traction and I imagine could be ridden on regular knobbies. It also adds a lot of resistance so you end up getting a big workout in a shorter distance.

Next few days look good for ice biking.
