Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Trailwork Thursday Night

We have an exciting new trail building oportunity!! We will be working on it on Thursday night and this weekend. Bring machete's, pruners, and things to pull small stumps. We will be up there by 5pm or so and the combo lock will be in place. The work area is up by the start ramp.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Kelly's Peak Cleansweep !

The Horsetrail on Kelly's peak has received a makeover this last weekend, the in your face bushes have been removed and you can now see where you are going ! Thanks for the ODS crew of Tyler, Summer, Mitch and Sean H who went up there to take on this task and play clean up. Also an exciting addition has been added to the bottom, you no longer have to ride road back to your vehicle, the olympic discovery trail crew has added the extension to their trail that leads you all the way back to the Elwah Bridge. The new extension is amazing, its wide enough to pass as well as a series of bridges, so get up there and check it out !

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Not Quite A Weekly Update

Hey everyone,
Well it's been a while. There have been some phenominal rides going on lately, or so I've heard. There is a Fluidride race camp going on this weekend on Dry Hill. The next race is right around the corner, so time to start thinking about course planning and prep. How about something new off of Double Bypass?? We're trying to organize a World Cup Viewing Party this weekend, more info to follow on that.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Weekly update

Hello everyone,
A busy weekend of riding and working. Last Thursday's work and Sunday mornings work paid off with some sweet new surface and one new jump to flat on Braeburn. That trail is wicked fast! The new jump will eventually be a high speed hip thing, or maybe we'll have to move it?

Sad news about our friend Jay. Like he doesn't have to overcome enough, now he's got a busted collar-bone. He's so tough, he drove home to Bremerton to go to the hospital. We're going to invite him out for the World Cup Breakfast Party just to keep his spirits up. Lars has opted not to go to the World Cups up in Canada, so I guess we have to root for Luke????

No one is going to be around this weekend I guess. A bunch of people are heading down to Mt. Hood this weekend for Fluidride #3. Get ahold of Shawn or Casey if you want to talk carpooling. Sounds like a good weekend for some XC Mayhem!!!

Moving slowly forward on getting a school bus for shuttling amoungst other uses. Hopefully up and running by the next FR Cup?

That's all for now.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

No reason, just a sweet shot!

Just a sweet shot!

Trail Work on Thursday Night

As we talked about in the meeting, a group of us will be going up Thursday evening for some trail work. We've got a lot of little things to do, but nothing major. If you haven't seen it yet, go check out Mitch's loop. We went through and buffed it out in an attempt to get a little flow going. Bee-line is next. The work will probably be followed by a little riding so bring your favorite steed as well.